About us
Since 2005 producing high quality products
Horizon Elastomers has stood out in the production of rubber products. Factors such as the quality of its products and respect for the environment mean that the company is always renewing itself, maintaining its leadership position in the market and ensuring the satisfaction of its customers.
The wide manufacturing line of rubber products and artifacts of Horizon includes pressed, drawns, calendered, hoses and security materials. The company follows the highest technological standards present.
SGI Policy

SGI Policy
Rodrigo Guardia

Horizon Indústria e Comércio de Elastomeros LTDA with its activities guided by the concept of quality and environment, it has prepared its policy appropriate to the purpose and context of its organization and commits to:
Compliance with Environmental Legislation and other requirements
pollution prevention
Meeting the established objectives
Meeting the requirements of customers and interested parties seeking their satisfaction
Continuous improvement of your products and processes
Horizon respects the environment
Integrated and environmentally responsible production.
Horizon Elastomers is built in an area of 4200m2, on the banks of Rodovia Raposo Tavares, importante spot for its products delivery. The modern machines and experienced professionals at this field keep the products supply that follow the best marked practices, certified by law ISO 9001.
All equipments are regularly gauged and measured, the laboratories are climatized and allows the specialized staff of Horizon Elastomers manufact and test accurate, resistent and absolutely reliable products.
Environmental responsibility is one of the values applied by Horizon Elastomers, which directs its efforts to always be in balance with the environment.
The constant training of its employees on “Environmental Education” is a great ally for the company to contribute to sustainable development.

Areas of expertise
The Horizon Elastomers products are presente in job Market in several segments that requires accuracy, resistance and reliability. The Horizon Elastomers is proud to attend these demands and Works around the clock, so it can be part of equipments that move our modern world.
Surf on the list below and know job Market sectors where the technology of Horizon Elastomers Rubber Artifacts is present.
Safety equipment

Product line
High voltage
Horizon Elastomers wide line of rubber products and artifacts includes pressed, drawn, calendered, linings, hoses and safety materials. The company follows today's highest technological standards.
Protection Materials
Contact / Sales
Contact us or send an email to horizon@horizonborracha.com.br
If you prefer, fill out the form on the side.
+55 11 2888-2000